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Formative Assessments at PE

When it comes to using formative assessments at PE, I find myself most often using them to assess myself as a teacher. I like to have the mentality that if my students are struggling with the material, that means that I should reflect on ways to improve my ability to teach the material or examine the assessments. I like to use assessments to address concepts and strategies for our units at PE and even sportsmanship ideals.

Some assessment that I have used at PE are Exit Tickets, True/False Cards, Multiple Choice Quizzes, Think/Pair/Share, and various team work activities like Demonstrations and Whiteboard Activities. At PE, we don't have a lot of time and I try and find assessments that are quick and to the point to give me the most information in the shortest amount of time. Assessment is very important to the function of our class, so even if we don't have as much time, we have to use them effectively.

Based on these assessments, I can decide how to proceed with future lessons. If the majority of students succeed, I can focus on introducing a new concept while still reviewing and working with students who need more help. Unsuccessful assessments may indicate the necessity to re-plan, reteach, and reassess. Sometimes, the original assessment could have just been too complicated or not level appropriate. It is also important to review the assessments with the students as soon as possible, whether that be immediately or at the beginning of the next class, while the information is still fresh enough for students to retain.
